quarta-feira, outubro 11, 2006


Mais um, texto em ingles sobre o Japao
Japanese Pop Culture

Gustavo ドリ Rodrigues, 3061037


Wow!!! It's Expensive. (but for Japanese it worth)


Why people go to a place that only has expensive things? To buy, of course. The westernization of Japan, like Joseph J. Tobin explains in his article is more like domestication. They take the western culture and transform it their way. The department stores in Japan are a example of a place that sells a west with a Japanese face and sell the japaneses things with a look of a foreigner. It shows the duality of the japaneses culture. The department stories came from the Togukawa era but growed up in the Meiji era because of the western products. But now they are a place of massive consumption and keeper of japanese culture. How is that possible? I will try to explain in the nexts paragraphs.


Why people go buy things in a departo if they are expensive. Like most of the Japanese aspects, they are based in a 'High context culture'. It means that most of the things don't really matter what it is but the value we put on it. When you buy something in a departo in Japan and give to Japanese, he or she will really enjoy, no matter what it really is. It will happen because there is a status related with the department stores, most of the things are from famous brands and most of them are peculiar and special stuff like a different kind of food. The department stores in Japan are the best place to buy presents in Japan. Because is very important in japanese society to keep a 'mutual reliable relationship'. If you spend a great amount of money with somebody you show that you care about this person. That's why the Johnny Walker lowers his sells when it became cheaper. If you gonna buy a present the money that you spend on it is more important than the present itself.


One of the most interesting things is how the departo cares about the maintence of the japanese culture. After a long research with the japanese population they offer courses and manuals teaching how the japanese should live, mixing the west and the east. I saw a lot of food courses and a kimono course, teaching japanese people how to be japanese. I said west and the east because sometimes they give english or french courses too.


A thing that surprises me was the Temple upside SOGO departo. They mixed religion with shopping. In Brasil it's not possible because we are a catholically country and they don't stimulate the consumption of material things. Its very interesting that japanese can mix it and transform it in a thing in accord with capitalism. We can say that a departo store is one the higher levels of capitalism. The selling is all based in brands. Every big western brand has a stand in a japanese department store, and we have just a few japanese. But most of the products they sell are not western at all. When I was looking the clothes was easy to see that we don't use it that way in Europe , in America or even in Brasil. Even the toys are different, but all have a western brand on them.


The food is another important topic because I can say that 99% of the food is japanese. Even when they have another country food it tastes like japanese. Millie R. Creighton, author of the article about departo, explains that they have to change to adapt to the japanese taste. I tried a pizza e it really doesn't look or taste like a Italian pizza, but the japanesse consume like it was. It's interesting to think that it happens in all countries because people have different tastes. In Brasil there is a lot of japanese food` that doesn't exist in Japan . They create things to sell as eastern and we buy because is exotic.


Other interesting point is the `self exotism`. With so many western things, the japanese become to be the exotic. The same thing happens in Brasil with things we sell as brasilian, like capoeira and carnival. To most of brasilians , nowadays, this kind of thing is exotic, but it makes the value of things increase. We became more proud to show it as a brasilian thing, like happens with the japanese culture.


In Brasil we don't have that kind of store. We have shopping's like the one we can see in Lalaport but for the brasilian way of life, the disposition of things n a department store is not very good. Brasilians like to enter the store, proof, stay for a while and they prefer stores that are specific of one brand. In Brasil the stores are more silent, trying to stop the noise. But departo are a bit crowded with to much noise. There are too many people buying at the same time. For me, as a Western, there's no glamour in buying in a department store, but for japanese the glamour is different. They really believe in the importance of a departo and it makes all the difference.

Sejam legais Uns com os Outros

Gustavo Dore

Sociolinguistica, how to be polite part 2

Estou estudaando uque nem um puto por aqui,... tenho  perdido a hora de dormir, de comer e de fazer o... de qualquer jeito, ontem tive uma puta insonia e fiquei assistindo um anime no meu celular ate duas e meia da manha quadpo acabou a programacao da TV aberta por aqui,.... estou um pouco sem sacvou mandar esse texto em ingles so para nao deixar perdido, mmas que estou sem tempo estou... ai ai 
in  the last class we discussed about how to say thank you and make a compliment in japanese.



In the Japanese culture is very, very important to say thank you. That's why they have a lot of different ways of doing that. In the western world, we only have to say thank one time and we don't have to say it again in the next day we meet the person, may sound fake, overreacted. An important point in this class: learn how Japanese think life. They understand we live a continuous line together. If you meet the person in the next day is like you were never apart. But westerns think life as individual persons, sharing only some moments together.


We discussed about the two kinds of thoughts: the Meta language behavior and the language behavior itself. Being polite in Japanese thank you is not saying thank you a lot of times, how some other cultures do. You have to use your mind in the Meta language way and add some extra information, extra words, to fit the situation.   This is how the structure of the Japanese thank you works.


In Japan, most of the times we don't have to say what for the thank you, they already know about we are talking about. Some times is a bit troublesome for me because some people meet me again and show gratitude for something I did and a don't remember what because I still think as a western and we are used to leave the past behind. Every time we meet a person is like a lot of thinks have happened with each other so we don't care to remind the last meet. In Japan, as we said before, is polite to remind about things we had in common, to remind that we live together. I was talking with a Kanda student about relationships between boyfriend and a girlfriend and I asked her why they stay so long with just one person while they are young. She answered that Japanese wants to live a life together. In my country the moments are more important than the whole time.


Most of the cultures have different ways of saying thank you in accord with place, with time, with the degreed of the thank you but Japanese are peculiar in these cases because the Meta language behavior predominates. We cannot forget to add more information to express correctly our gratitude.


Thinking a bit in Portuguese and in Brazil. You don't have to add things, and you have to explain why you are saying thank you. It's not necessary to say thank you again, but it is very polite if you mention the present or the action in the next day you met the person but not to not broke the continuous line but to say that it was useful.


Another difference between Brazil and Japan is that in Brazil we are used to make fun of everything. When we graduate we have a ritual that the class have to make a speech talking about the students and the teachers and we only talk about the peculiar aspect of every person, making fun even with the teachers to say thank you for all the things that passed. Everybody understands and enjoys the ritual, doing this they seem closer to each other. In Brazil is ok to respond a compliment with a small joke. Is a positive way to handle a important situation. In Japan they use a negative way, they compliment the thank you with a negative form, denying, most of the times, that the thing they did was important. Is not wrong, is just different.

Sejam legais Uns com os Outros

Gustavo Dore

domingo, outubro 08, 2006

eu vou escrever isso agora porque estou um pouco bebado...

hhahahahahauhauhuahuahua... bem, vou contar meu dia de hoje porque foi um pouco diferente... Bem, os japoneses tem a fantastica habilidade de pegar a cultura de outros e usar do jeito deles... to lendo um artigo que fl;a sobrte como o japao domestica as outras culturas... entenda que ele nao copia porque cria em cima daquilo... podemos pegar por exemplo o natal... o natal aqui e um dia para se passar com o seu namorado/a ... eles pegaram a data e trransformaram num dia dos namorados 2 a missao... entao, o que podemos dizer do hip hop japones e do JAPAN SCOTTSH HIGHLAND GAMES que eu acabei de ir conferir.,... e por isso que estou um pouco tontinho... na cerimonia de premiacao um camarada muito gente boa me deu um copo de black label !!!! bem, eu bebi com ele para nao fazer desfeita e agora estou meio lento... hahah a  mas ta tudo certo... porque quem nao bebe nao ve o mundo girar como diz a placa do bar do Chicao...
Eu fui la hoje de manha e meu tenis super tunado da nike tava todo molhado entao fui com o preto e me falarmam para deixar no sol na porta da casa... eu achei aquilo um pouco absurdo mas me falaram que nao tinha problema, de verdade... entao com muito custo deixei meu tenis nove horas da manha na porta do alojamento pegando sol;... quando cheguei as 4 e meia da trde ele ainda estava la... so que agora estava seco... os jogos escoseses foram na faculdade e teve uma grande competicao scottish heavy events ... eles tem arremesso de toras e arremesso de pesso e outras competicoes a ver com forca... do alojamento so o adrian e o sugimoto san participaram... mas eles nao tiveram a minima chance... tinha gente forte de verdade por la... em segundo lugar ficou um americano que e marine, do governo americano... e no fim ganhou um japones que era forte pra caralho tambem... aqui eu posso falar palavrao pelo menos...
o maior choque cultural que eestou enfrentado e que os japoneses nunca entendem minhas piadas ironicas ou racistas contra loiras ou portugueses... mesmo quando eu tento transpor a piada para coreanos ou chineses, etnias que as vezes enfrentam problemas com o japao, eles ficam resabiados e nao acham graca... e me olham com uma cara: que apelao!!! bem, agora pelo menos eu aprendi, um ano sem contar ou ouvir piadas de humor negro... aaaaaaaaaa eu gosto desse tipo de piada sabe, as vezes funciona como valvula de escape para o preconceito ou sei la, para qualquer coisa uma piada sempre cai bem...
Hoje conheci uma menina que parecia tanto com aliliane que eu ate fieui com medo... e o mais engracado e que ela parecia um pouco com a liliane no jeito de ser tambem... hjaha  vou ver se encontro com ela de novo so para tirar um foto e mandar para o brasil para comprovar minha teoria... hoje fiquei muito feliz poiis ticve que falar japones um monte de vezes e ate que consegui me virar bem... de verdade... e conheci uma garota que teve uma amiga brasileira quando esteve no texas e me deu um abraco com tres beijinhos na despedida, como a gente faz ai no brasill e eu acheoi muito legal. haha outra coisa legal e que fui apresentado para a mae da Mami, aquela minina que ja citei em poutro post que se tornou uma boa amiga do lado de ca do mundo e a mae dela ainda entende portugues muito bem... a mami, putz grila, fala e entende portugues bem pra caramba... sempre fico um pouco impressionado... 
Outro problema que estou enfrentando... nao e realmente um problema e apenas mais alguma coisa e que esta acontecendo e que eu nao sei quando estou falando portugues ou ingles com as pessoas... no meio da minha fla em portugues sai umas palavras em japones e outras e ingles... e ta uma grande mistura na minha cabeca... mas e bem legal e divirto que isso aconteca... com certeza vai desaparecendo a medida que eu melhorar meu japones... to com um pouco de sono... acho que e por causa do Whisky、entao vou terminar por aqui e escrevo mais depois.,.... j beybeybeybeye  rera prara eiahbckbassdkjbasdkbafdkuygfe 

hic  hic hic hic  hhahahauhauha   hic hic hic  haha